

Command line fake tool,
fake framework logs output

🐟Fake live output of various installation and compilation logs, pretending to be busy to make you look professional, but not doing anything

npm install fakeact -g
More installation and use

Run online modules

How dose it work?

also run

Run in docker

docker run -it --rm ch563/fakeact -m composer
Modify -m or add parameters to run different modules


Run the command line tool fakeact in the terminal
Usage: fakeact [OPTIONS]
-l, --list
list available modules
-m, --modules <modules>
run only these modules [possible values: ansible, bootlog, botnet, bruteforce, cargo, cc, composer, cryptomining, dockerBuild, dockerImageRm, download, julia, kernelCompile, memdump, mkinitcpio, rkhunter, simcity, terraform, weblog] (default: "all")
-s, --speed-factor <factor>
global speed factor (default: "1")
-t, --times <times>
execution times, 0 means infinite (default: "1")
-h, --help
display help for command
-V, --version
display version

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